The easiest and yummiest Thermomix fish pie

The easiest and yummiest Thermomix fish pie


Nothing screams comfort food quite like a delicious fish pie.

This recipe is perfect for busy family weekdays or lazy weekends.

Nothing tricky here. Quite the opposite – feel free to vary the fish according to what you and your family like. Add prawns and smoked fish for extra flavour. Add peas and sweetcorns for extra veg. The possibilities are endless.


Serves 4

Active time: 10 minutes – Total time: 30 minutes – Cost: £9.23


  • 500g potatoes – £0.80
  • 2 garlic cloves – £0.10
  • 4 carrots – £0.42
  • 600g white fish (or any fish you like) – £7.00
  • 4 tbsp creme fraiche – £0.30
  • 1/2 lemon – £0.17
  • 200g milk – £0.09
  • 60g grated cheddar cheese – £0.35
  • Salt & pepper

Let’s go…

  1. Preheat your oven to 180C.
  2. Peel 500g medium potatoes and chop them into quarters. Add them with 2 garlic cloves, peeled, to the Thermomix basket (not the main bowl).
  3. Peel 4 carrots, roughly chop them and add them to the Thermomix bowl. Chop for 6 seconds / speed 5.
  4. Transfer the carrots to the lower tier of the Varoma. Add 600g fish to the top tier of the Varoma. TIP: make sure to leave gaps for the steam to rise up.
  5. Rinse and fill the bowl with 350g water.
  6. Insert basket and place the Varoma into position. Cook 30 minutes / Varoma / Speed 1.
  7. When done, flake the fish in an oven proof dish, add the cooked carrots, 4 tbsp creme fraiche and the juice of 1/2 lemon. Mix everything together.
  8. Remove the simmering basket from the bowl with the spatula.
  9. Empty the water, add the potatoes, 200g milk, salt and pepper. Mix for 20 seconds / speed 4.
  10. Spread the potato mash over the fish. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  11. Cook for 15 minutes in the oven.

Delicious. Bon appetit x

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